Ed's Letter


THE GOLF MAG has teed off, and so far we are sitting safely in the middle of the fairway! Please note I said safely, and not perfectly. Is there ever such a thing? We are going to be constantly aiming to improve our game, and we are extremely grateful to those of you who took the time to comment on our first shot! With practice, being open to advice and staying humble, I am sure we will live up to our own and of course, you, our readers’, high expectations. I would like to welcome Dale Hayes to the team. Dale is a legend in South African golf, and we value his input to us editorially and, as of this issue, through his monthly column. It’s really fantastic to have someone of Dale’s standing and experience contributing to THE GOLF MAG. Thanks, Dale. The next shot is starting to look good!

Like any pro will tell you, “a good caddie is worth his weight in gold”, so we also welcome Paul Stubbs to the sales team of THE GOLF MAG. Paul volunteered to pick up the bag and do all the hard work behind the scenes to ensure we are able to offer top-class advertising options and to continue his long-standing relationships with golf and the golf-related industries, giving them the assurance that they are backing a player who knows his game. Welcome, Paul! Should you wish to discuss any advertising, marketing, or promotional opportunities, please give Paul a shout.

While we are firmly gripped by Rugby World Cup fever and we wish our beloved Bokke everything of the best, there is a quiet excitement and a nervous anticipation that is slowly growing as we get closer to two of the greatest team events on the planet: the Ryder Cup and the Solheim Cup. The Solheim Cup takes place the week before the Ryder Cup, which means two weeks of brilliant entertainment. Once again, the Ryder Cup team announcements have created one or two controversies – on both sides, it should be said – but the proof will be in the performances. The Solheim Cup teams were announced with a lot less pageantry and seem to be well matched, with the US team possibly the pre-event favourites. We all know those tags mean nothing in these events, though. I can’t wait for the games to start, the tension, the selections on the days, the partnerships, the gamesmanship, the strategy, the crowds – just a wonderful celebration of competition that is played as an individual sport but turned upside down by the team element. Playing for pride and flag – on a continental scale, with every shot influencing the bigger picture. Massive pressure, tears of joy and sadness – one winner. I am going to go with a European victory for both events; the teams look great, and I think the hometown support will carry them across the line. Read Brendan Barratt’s Ryder Cup and Solheim Cup features for more insights and to see the full teams.

The issue is packed with great player features, from Casey Jarvis and David Watts to Ockie Strydom. Not forgetting the great instruction from Grant Hepburn! I hope you enjoy our second issue and that you practice sharing the mag with your friends and family. It can be easily shared on WhatsApp; give it a go. Until next time.

See you on the fairway!

Shayne Dowling

Publishing Editor

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